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马来西亚佛教总会将在 2022 年 1 月 31 日至 2 月 15 日(农历十二月廿九日至正月十五日)启建新春祈愿灯,并在 2022 年 2 月 12 日(农历正月十二日)启建药师点灯祈福,以此善心的愿力祈求国泰民安,风调雨顺,所得之款项,将尽数作为马佛总会活动基金。大众可选择喜缘灯(一日)、祈愿灯(正月初一至十五日)、或祈福灯(全年)。点击下载点灯表格

Malaysian Buddhist Association will hold Lunar New Year Lamp Lighting on 31st January to 15th February 2022 and Medicine Buddha Lamp Prayer on 12th February 2022. In addition of praying for peace and harmony of country and people,and good weather, all proceeds will be used as Malaysian Buddhist Association Activity Fund. A choice of Joy Lamp (1 day), Wish Lamp (1st to 15th February 2022) and Blessing Lamp (whole year) is available. Please click here to download Lunar New Year Lamp Lighting form.